Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A work in progress....

Thanks for checking out my new blog. I'm still working on ideas & setting everything up. I've got a couple things I'm working on for the blog and plan to share them very soon.
So here's a question for now: what is your favorite thing you like to see when you're checking out your favorite blog?
Please leave your answer in the comments. I can't wait to read them!
That's it for now. Thanks again for stopping by.


PS: please help me out & share with friends!

Monday, June 4, 2012


I am so very excited to start this adventure and look forward to sharing so much with everyone. 
Clearly this is BRAND new for me and I've got a lot of work ahead of me so please be patient with me as I get started and learn.
I'm here to share recipes, crafts, fun kid stuff, not so fun kid stuff and whatever else in between.
I chose to call my blog Casual Glitter for a couple reasons. First off, who doesn't like glitter? It is so much fun and we could all use a little sparkle in our day, right? Second, it makes me think of how life works. You're going about your day and you get an idea, you receive a random act of kindness or even a compliment of some kind that really brightens your day, Casual Glitter, right in the middle of the crazy!

So I hope you'll enjoy this ride with me. And thank you so much for reading my 1st post. I hope you'll stick around for more!


PS: I would love some feedback and if you'd share my blog with a friend.